© Gaia Tourism 2018
Blaise Menuet - Managing Director
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E-mail: office@gaiatourism.cv
The approval for the Cape Verde Regionalization was an important decision of the Cape Verdean parliament. Overall it is a way to design Cape Verde at all levels. It is a victory for all who believed in the proposed Law that creates the Administrative Regions because regionalization is going to be the biggest reform of the state.
It will be good in all economic areas, but as far as Tourism is concerned, the pillar of the country's economy will project the islands towards a sustainable development on equal basis with the islands that were previously more favored in terms of financing.
Migrants will have opportunities to invest in their homelands without bureaucracies and with the Regional Government it will be easier to eliminate some bureaucracies that prevent the sustainable development of small and large tourist projects in the islands. There will be more balance and more healthy competition so that the islands of Cape Verde truly become a country of tourist demand at international level, but also will allow to develop the internal tourism.
Source: Tourmagazine