© Gaia Tourism 2018
Blaise Menuet - Managing Director
Telephone office: (+238) 993 99 20
Telephone operations: (+238) 999 44 55
E-mail: office@gaiatourism.cv
The entry into force of the measure approved by the Council of Ministers was postponed from May 2018 to 1 January 2019. This was due to the request made by tour operators who were at the time adapting their platforms to the pre- created in the context of this process.
However, a measure that has yet to provoke controversy and opposition from many quarters because it does not provide reciprocal visa-free access for Cape Verdean citizens in the European Union and the United Kingdom and for the potential loss of revenue it will represent for state coffers.
A survey released at the end of April 2018 showed that most Cape Verdeans did not approve the visa waiver for European citizens and the United Kingdom.
At the time more than half (55%) of the Cape Verdeans considered that the Government should not exempt the payment of visas to the Europeans, against 31% who agreed with the measure.
Regarding the negative consequences, 33% believe that it will increase the crime rate. Another 23% think it will increase the threats of terrorism. To 20%, this will increase prostitution and drug use. And finally 16% pointed to the eventual loss of revenue.
Cape Verde has received in the last few years an average of 500 to 600 thousand tourists per year, but the goal for 2021 is to reach the figure of one million visitors. United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Portugal and the Netherlands are the main countries that emit tourists to Cape Verde.
As of today, nationals of 28 countries of the European Union, including Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, Switzerland, San Marino and the Vatican, will receive the visa the limit of stay of 30 days.
It should be noted that the tourism sector is the main engine of the country's economy, responsible for 20% of Gross Domestic Product.
Source: Noticias do Norte