© Gaia Tourism 2018
Blaise Menuet - Managing Director
Telephone office: (+238) 993 99 20
Telephone operations: (+238) 999 44 55
E-mail: office@gaiatourism.cv
In a universe of 140 countries analyzed, Cape Verde, with a score of 3.6 out of 7, ranks 88 out of the most competitive in the tourism sector worldwide.
According to the Islands Express, the study organized by the World Economic Forum states that Cape Verde is Africa's 6th most competitive tourism destination. "Cape Verde is more competitive than all its competitors in the West African sub-region, where it ranks first, except for cultural and natural resources."
Factors such as safety, health, hygiene, human resources and the labor market affect the country in the overall ranking. On the other hand, price competitiveness, environmental sustainability and airport infrastructure guarantee Cape Verde's good performance.
Data released in August by the National Institute of Statistics indicate that tourism is growing, and in the second quarter of this year the number of guests staying in various hotel establishments grew 7%, compared to the same period last year.
In semiannual terms, in the first six months of this year there were more than “413 thousand guests and around 2.5 million overnight stays, which translated into additions and overnight stays of 7.8% and 4.9% respectively over the same period last year ”.
Source: Noticias do Norte